

The UK Green Building Council is the focal point for Green Building in the U.K. GCG play an active role in the UKGBC, participating in policy sessions, workshops and seminars and annual meetings.



The Building Research Establishment delivers BREEAM certification systems, operating them and updating them continuously in order to develop and push the green building construction market in the UK. GCG’s director is a BRE Ambassador, assisting the BRE in communicating issues effectively to the construction industry.


The Royal Institute of British Architects is one of the oldest and most widely recognized professional associations in the world. RIBA plays a vital role in providing professional qualifications, databases, and industry support in the UK and throughout the world. GCG’s director has been a member of the RIBA since 1991 and previously held leadership positions at the Institute.




The World Green Building Council is a union of national green building councils: the largest international organization influencing the green building marketplace. GCA (our Asian company)  has played an active role at the WGBC for over 10 years.




The United State Green Building is the main organization in the U.S. dedicated to green building. Professionals certified by USGBC gain LEED AP Certification. GCA has been a member for over 10 years and actively promotes the LEED brand in Asia.


The Vietnam Green Building Council is a non-profit organization created to offer solutions to sustainable construction in Vietnam. Besides creating the LOTUS building certification system, VGBC works with industry, government and academic leaders to ensure that sustainable goals are progressed in Vietnam. GCG has assisted in writing and editing the LOTUS GB Certification system, and Melissa Merryweather has been Acting Director and Chair of the VGBC in previous years as well as a very active ambassador for the VGBC.